Wij plaatsen hairextensions met verschillende methodes. We werken uitsluitend met het haar van hairextension guru Marjory Alice.
Hieronder ziet u beschreven waar de Marjory Alice Hairextensions uit bestaan en in het submenu van de “Marjory Alice  Hairextensions” vindt u de verschillende verlengingmethodes die we toepassen, alle losse prijzen en de eventuele pakketprijzen die we bieden.

  • Marjory Alice Hair is gemaakt van Remy gesorteerd Virgin Hair.
  • Marjory Alice Hair bestaat uit de Silver en de Gold-Line.
  • De Silver-Line bestaat voornamelijk uit Indian en Brazilian gesorteerd haar van verschillende donoren en gaat gemiddeld 8 maanden mee en heeft wat meer verzorging nodig dan de Platinum Line.
  • De Platinum Line bestaat voornamelijk uit haar dat afkomstig is van Peru, China, Vietnam en Europa, gaat makkelijk 2 jaar mee en is niet gevoelig voor klitten/pluizen.


De herkomst van Marjory Alice Harextensions en wat we ermee hopen te bereiken. Lees hier het verhaal van de CEO en founder Marjory Alice:

Marjory in India and Peru on her journey to find the best human hair..



My name is Marjory Alice and I have a brilliant plan to combat poverty in Peru.
Currently I’ve been exploring the human hair industry for about 7 years.
I was looking for a side job and decided to put in hair extensions for women. I started from home. This choice was made because I like to make people beautiful and because it is well deserved. Today there’s billions of euro”s spent by people worldwide on human hair!!

Because there are so many brands of hair extensions on the market but so few of good quality!!! I went looking for its good quality. I really lost a lot of to figure this out but I have learned a lot. This was a completely new world for me and I’ve seen what I can achieve even more with this passion apart from the good feeling of making many ladies look pretty.
After thorough research and experience I found out that there are many hair suppliers that work with hair from India (especially from the temples) but also that the strongest hair of beautiful quality came from Peru. Ordering hair from Peru went very tedious. so through the Embassy I find contact with a lady who found my question about human hair interesting. We talked a lot on Skype and built a trust.
Finally I transferred to her so that they could start cutting hair in certain areas of Peru. The ladies with very long hair also offered their hair in exchange of. They put an ad for girls who knew how to make hairwefts. Luz responded! Luz had a training handwefting for $ 50 . I offered this handwefted hair in the Netherlands and so it all began.
After Erika ( The lady that I met throught the embassy) came back from her first trip in Peru, she was very excited and told me that people were very glad of the they could earn with cutting of their hair. They chose a hairstyle that they wanted and were given a financial. By now I had contact in India (where people cut their hair in temples because of religious believe/s) and we had an idea to find more girls who would want to learn this profession. The training for these girls would be a small investment for us but we could earn a lot of money with our quality hair and my commercial qualities.
Handweaving takes a long time, especially as we only had 1 girl working for us. For this reason I went to Orlando to do a training “machine weaving”. It allows you to create hairwefts much faster. I got great ideas for girls in the poor areas of Peru and to educate them myself and teach them to work with these sewing machines. The intention is that I offer a commercial strong brand where everyone like to buy human hair from and make high profit because we have all production into our own hands with low labor and low procurement costs, but on the other hand, a large part of this profit is to invest back in Peru itself and the people there.
All major brands are currently working with factories in Italy, India or China. My dream is to have a factory to put down in Peru and, ultimately, in India or Sri Lanka.
Today I have built up a network with suppliers of European, Indian and Peruvian hair.
Our brand name is True Line:
I called it True Line because none like other brands of hairextensions, my hair is real without synthetic hair mixed in. There is no silicone layer on top of the hair to give extra shine. The hair doesn’t tangle and you don’t have to worry about shedding!
Our hair extensions consist of the Silver Line and the Gold Line. The Silver Line consists mainly of Indian hair and the Gold Line mostly from Peruvian hair.
Apart from working on the sewing machines to make hairwefts are also loose hair extensions “I-tips and Flat-tips” made and the hair is dyed and transformed. Because I’ve gotten the question very often if I also make this quality hair wigs and after my own parents also have survived cancer, I have also decided to add wigs to our line. We should therefore offer training in the production of hairextensions and wigs.
We are now working with an american technologist but i’d rather open the new factory in Peru and help the people there also. I hope for your support!!! Please like our page on True Line B.V. and show your support!!!

It is an even greater growing market and we would very much stand out as a brand if we manufacture in Peru. It is very nice for the sales and that we so return to the country, we can invest in new personnel and expansion of workplaces there.
I hope after the necessary setback yet to get a chance to make this dream come true because I know that it will succeed. I’ve seen how much the girls want to learn this and what a fine working atmosphere there is and I also know how much money is going in hair extensions and fortunately I know also what can be done with all that money!

With love from Marjory Alice


Do’s and Dont’s

– SilverLine  is afkomstig uit India heeft meer verzorging nodig en gaat ongeveer 8 maanden mee. Verzorgt u dit niet op de juiste manier kan het droog aanvoelen en/of pluizig. De serum van Mizani en de shampoo en cremespoeling van Mizani zijn aan te bevelen. Wij verkopen deze ook in de salon.

– De Platinum Line is een stuk duurder maar u heeft weinig omkijken. Dit haar is afkomstig uit o.a. Europa, China, Vietnam en Peru. Het haar zal niet droog worden of pluizig aanvoelen na het wassen. Uiteraard is het belangrijk om altijd serum in het haar te doen voordat u gebruik maakt van een hittebron op het haar omdat u het haar anders kunt verbranden/beschadigen. Verbrand u het haar ( geldt ook voor uw eigen haar) dan kan het haar droog en pluizig worden en onherstelbaar!

De Platinum Line hebben we een aantal jaren getest en hieruit kwam een gemiddelde levensduur van 2 jaar uit. Het kan zomaar voorkomen dat u er langer plezier van heeft of juist korter. Dit hangt af van de verzorging. Doet u regelmatig een masker in het haar zal het ook langer meegaan. Gebruikt u de juiste producten dan zal het haar ook langer meegaan.

Voor zowel de Silver als Gold Line geldt dat u alles met haar mag doen qua styling. Hierbij kunt u denken aan: Carmen set, krultang, stijltang

– Kerastase

– Keratherapy

– Mizani

— Biosilk

Overige producten kunt u proberen maar kunnen wij verder geen garantie op geven.


– Gebruik geen Silver Shampoo op het haar ( tenzij het bij ons in de salon gebeurt, de specialistes zijn opgeleid om dit te doen. Buiten onze salon geven we geen garantie meer op het haar)

– Verf het haar nooit zelf maar laat dit doen door 1 van onze specialistes. Buiten onze salon geven we geen garantie op het haar.

Zie de bijsluiter in bovenstaande slider voor meer do’s and dont’s: